REGISTRATION CLOSES AT NOON, JULY 10, 2024! // Shamanic Breathwork with Laura Wolf

July 13, 2024, 12nn - 4pm | Please fill out this form and click submit.
Shamanic Breathworkä is a powerful modality using circular breathing and chakra-attuned music to go deeply into non-ordinary states of consciousness and facilitate deep healing, transformation, self-awareness and self-empowerment. In these states it is possible to:

· Access clarity and insights from your soul, spirit guides, ancestors, and the unified field

· Release blocks and stuck energy

· Activate your creative life-force energy

· Transform limiting beliefs, pain, shame and programming

· Heal the past, see things from a different perspective, forgive yourself or others

· Connect with the infinite expanse of the Universe/Source/Unconditional Love

· Remember who you really are and your unique gifts and purpose

During the Shamanic Breathworkä Journey itself, we will be lying down using circular breathing and evocative, chakra-attuned music to allow the ego mind to relax and the guidance of the soul to come forth. Following that, we integrate the experiences, messages, and symbols of your journey using an art process and group sharing.
For more information, click here or send an email to Laura Wolf.
*Please note: Shamanic Breathworkä requires a signed PARTICIPANT RELEASE and EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM from all participants. You will receive the link once you complete the registration.
Participant 1 Information

Participant 2 Information (for 2 person payment only)



July 13, 2024, 12nn - 4pm
Please fill out this form and click submit.